The Property Council congratulates Premier Daniel Andrews and his Labor Government on their re-election for a third consecutive term, with the election result delivering a strong mandate to implement their policy program.
Property Council Victorian Interim Executive Director Cath Evans said a majority government is the best outcome for Victorians, ensuring stable government and providing an environment with minimal distractions in which the Parliament can focus on the challenges facing the state.
“A majority government will enable the Premier and his Government to deliver on their policy commitments and the Property Council and our members look forward to working together with the Government on the key elements of their mandate,” Ms Evans said.
“Victoria has significant economic potential that can advance our ongoing recovery from the pandemic. An unwavering focus on economic growth will help address some of the critical issues facing our community, such as the affordability of housing and the provision of essential infrastructure to support our public health system.
“In particular, we stand ready to partner with the Government to address health infrastructure, skills, and energy, especially the re-establishment of the State Electricity Commission to drive our state’s net zero transition.
“Our industry represents nearly 14 per cent of Gross State Product, employs nearly 400,000 people and directly supports hundreds of thousands more. Our industry is perfectly positioned to drive Victoria’s economic success over the next four years and beyond.
“The Property Council is keen to forge a strong partnership with the Andrews Government that supports the creation of more homes in new and established areas, unlocks land for job creation in industrial corridors, and seizes the great opportunity for regional Victoria provided by the 2026 Commonwealth Games,” Ms Evans said.
Media contact: Dominic Raff | 0478 819 525 | [email protected]