Premium Consulting Service Save time and realise efficiencies

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Premium Consulting Service

Save time and realise efficiencies


The Premium Consulting Service (PCS) is a personalised service that delivers advice and consultation to parties involved in the property development process, providing initial examination and assessment of plans and associated dealings prior to lodgement.


This advisory service assists parties in addressing any errors or issues upfront to ensure a seamless lodgement process.  The outcomes are smoother plan processing, swift registration of dealings and prompt title creation, saving time for your business and providing the best possible experience for your customers.


On 1st July 2020 Land Services SA will be adjusting our prices and introducing a basic plan offering to make PCS more affordable for simple projects. Please refer to the below price list for the updated fees:



Current +GST

New +GST

Premium Consulting Service (Basic Plan)

For basic plans where 1 title is being divided into 2 allotments, per plan lodged.



Premium Consulting Service (Premium Plan)

When the plan is subdivided into 3 or more allotments, per plan lodged.



Premium Consulting Service (T&M)

When the plan is more complex and work and effort involved on the plan is expected to be greater than 8 hours. Minimum fee $2,0+GST with additional hours at $2 +GST per hour.



Premium Consulting Service (Dealing)

All Division Dealings (no fee for by-laws, DM, M, T etc that may be in series with a division dealing)



Lodgement for Filing Scheme Description/Development Contract

When an ACT is lodged and is accompanied by an LF1 Scheme Description and Development Contract. This fee is charged per dealing in addition to the ACT Dealing product fee.



Lodgement for Filing Variation/Amendment of Scheme Description/Development Contract

When an AP3 or AP5 is lodged and is accompanied by an LF2 Scheme Description and Development Contract. This fee is charged per dealing in addition to theAP3 or AP5 Dealing product fee.




With the announcement by Federal Government of the Homebuilder scheme and the short time frame in which customers have to enter into a contract and commence the build, PCS and the time savings and efficiencies the service brings may well help your clients meet their deadlines.


For more information about how the service can benefit your clients, please contact [email protected] or visit: