Premier Baird leaves strong legacy

Home Media Releases Premier Baird leaves strong legacy

Premier Baird leaves strong legacyThe Property Council NSW congratulates outgoing NSW Premier Mike Baird on the strong legacy he leaves for the people of NSW.Property Council NSW Deputy Executive Director Cheryl Thomas said today that Premier Baird leaves an impressive legacy founded on implementing a range of reforms that have placed the state in a good economic position.”True to his word, Premier Baird has led a Government that focused on tackling some difficult and challenging reforms and delivering much needed investment in infrastructure,” Ms Thomas said.”Within three short years, the Baird Government has chalked up an impressive list of achievements.”Under Premier Baird’s leadership we’ve seen asset recycling result in record breaking investment, establishing a transport system which will transform and support a growing Sydney and regions.”We’ve also benefited from the Baird Government’s focus on reforming strata laws, enabling strata owners to renew ageing buildings more readily, and the Baird Government’s resolve to pursue local government reforms including council amalgamations.”These reforms have, and will continue to, strengthen the NSW economy and improve our quality of life.”Following his retirement from political life, we wish Premier Baird all the best in his future endeavours.”Media contact:William Power| M0429 210 982 | [email protected]