Positive SA retail turnover continues now time for reform

Home Media Releases Positive SA retail turnover continues now time for reform

Positive SA retail turnover continues – now time for reformThe Property Council of Australia (SA Division) has today pointed to the latest ABS Retail Trade data to renew calls for industry reform. “It’s great to see South Australian retailers experiencing a 0.4 per cent increase in retail trade in November 2014,” said SA Executive Director of the Property Council Daniel Gannon. “At the same time, Australian retail turnover rose 0.1 per cent in November 2014 – this means that South Australia has bucked the national trend, but in a positive way. “Prior to Christmas, South Australia was leading the nation with a 1.2 per cent increase in retail trade. “While this growth has dropped off with this month’s data, we need to ensure that our state has the right conditions for further growth. “When it comes to the retail sector, South Australia has a lot of low cost reform opportunities that will greatly improve our economy and vibrancy. “One such opportunity is the deregulation of shop trading hours; unfortunately, our state has the worst regime in the country. “Outside of sacrosanct days – such as Christmas Day, Good Friday and Anzac Day – there is no reason why our laws shouldn’t allow retail businesses to determine when they want to take the risk. That is, to open and serve the consumer. “A strong retail sector ultimately leads to fewer retail shop vacancies – and this means job creation at a time when our state needs growth. “The post-Christmas shopping period demonstrated that South Australia can improve in this area – retail ghost towns in our suburbs highlighted this point. “The reality is, South Australia’s retail sector has the potential to be even stronger through sensible reforms.”