Planning system can create jobs and remove barriers
The peak body for Australia’s largest industry (the property sector) has renewed its calls for the implementation of sensible and timely planning reforms to remove development barriers and create jobs.
The Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill 2015, tabled in Parliament this week, in many ways recognises that that there is a need for a cultural shift in planning processes – a long held position of the Property Council of Australia.
SA Executive Director of the Property Council Daniel Gannon said South Australia needs to create a more proactive and engaging system, rather than the quite adversarial and lethargic local Government based approach we’ve seen in this state.
“And that’s why this sector welcomes moves to remove local government councillors from Development Assessment Panels and a depoliticisation of the planning process,” he said.
“We would also like to see the introduction of this Bill strengthened by a firm funding commitment to rolling out a user friendly e-planning system in this state. Without this, the reform will have one hand tied behind its back.
“We’re currently working through the detail of this important Bill. When it comes to the mooted development levy, we are seeking more information.
“As for ‘growing up and not out,’ the Property Council has long been an advocate for supporting infill development. However, we remain opposed to the State Government’s proposed urban growth boundary.
“A statutory urban growth boundary could constrain supply and limit choice. Families who value extra space, or work outside of metropolitan areas, should have the ability to choose a house and lifestyle that suits their needs.
“And while there’s absolute merit in embracing inner-city density and vertical living in metropolitan Adelaide, we can chew gum and walk at the same time.
“We look forward to continuing to work constructively with the State Government to ensure this legislation helps unlock economic development and job creation.”