Planning reform pushes ahead
The Property Council has welcomed the Queensland Government’s Better Planning for Queensland directions paper as providing much-needed certainty for the property industry.
While the Government has previously committed to continuing the reform of Queensland’s planning system, the directions paper now clearly articulates what this agenda will look like, according to Chris Mountford, Queensland Executive Director of the Property Council of Australia.
“Very pleasing for the industry is the Government’s intention to retain many of the common-sense reforms that were proposed in the Planning and Development Bill which was developed following 18 months of consultation by the previous government,” Mr Mountford says.
“Of particular note are changes aimed at creating ‘efficient and consistent decision making’, which when coupled with more streamlined and logical legislation, will provide greater certainty for industry, local government and the community.
“The Property Council is also pleased to note the Government’s intention to introduce a statutory guideline focused on better engagement with the community early in the plan-making process.
“It has been our experience that resolving issues in the early stages of planning can lead to greater community understanding of how the planning system works, and along with it a greater acceptance of the development outcomes that a planning system allows for.
“Importantly the directions paper acknowledges and values the work undertaken by a wide range of stakeholders who have been engaged in the reform agenda for the past two years.
“There is no question that in-depth stakeholder consultation has informed a number of the initiatives outlined in the directions paper.
“We look forward to actively participating in the next round of consultation and discussion as the Government moves towards introducing new planning legislation in October this year.”
The Queensland Government will shortly embark on a range of information events regarding the directions paper.
Date | Location | Time | RSVP |
15 June | Live steam | 9-10.30am | Access stream here |
16 June | Maroochydore Mike Ahern Centre, 12 First Ave |
10-3pm | Click here |
17 June | Gold Coast Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade |
1- 5pm | Click here |
24 June | Townsville Mayor Reception Room, Townsville Council Chambers, 103 Walker Street |
10-3pm | Click here |
2 July | Brisbane Venue TBC |
10-2pm | Click here |
The Property Council’s media release can be found at the PDF link below.
The Better Planning for Queensland directions paper can be found here.