Planning and delivery of Western Sydney Aerotropolis put under microscope
The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the Independent Community Commissioner’s Report into the concerns raised by 100 landowners impacted by the rezoning of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
Property Council of Australia’s Western Sydney Regional Director Ross Grove said large and small landowners agreed that the rezoning process had been incredibly frustrating and there was a need for aspects of the government’s plans to be further reviewed.
“We support the government’s aspirations for the delivery of jobs and key economic activity within the precinct, but these objectives are being hindered by overly prescriptive planning restrictions which inhibit the economic productivity of large portions of developable land,” Mr Grove said.
“The views raised by the smaller landowners in the report also reflect the concerns raised by larger industry peak bodies in our submission to the Draft Aerotropolis Precinct Plans earlier this year.”
In March, the Property Council of Australia joined with the Urban Development Institute of Australia, Business Western Sydney and the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue in preparing a joint submission which made 13 recommendations to shape the future planning framework for the Aerotropolis.
Mr Grove said many of the concerns raised related to the proliferation of green corridors, concerns around the evidence base, and the need for a clearer governance and consultation framework for future decisions.
“We are pleased to see the Department of Planning Industry and Environment have taken on board the feedback from industry and landowners and has published a timeline for improving the Aerotropolis planning framework over the next 12 months. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to create an Aerotropolis which attracts industry and quality local jobs to our region.”
Media contact: Aidan Green | M 0491 030 028 | E [email protected]