Plan for City light rail, subway and ferries in Perth
Perth needs to lock in the best routes for light rail and other transit projects through the inner-city to fully grow and diversify the WA economy. That is one of the top ideas in the Property Council’s latest report Big and Small Ideas for Perth.
“Perth’s inner-city lacks a clear infrastructure pipeline compared to other parts of the metropolitan area that have detailed plans for future transport routes, parks, schools and other community infrastructure,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“This lack of planning inhibits investment and has contributed to the low residential population in the inner-suburbs and is making Perth’s infill housing strategy difficult to achieve.
“If we cannot afford these projects now, we should plan for them anyway, to provide investor certainty and a clear vision for Peth’s growth.
The Property Council’s latest report Big and Small Ideas for Perth calls for:
- The creation of CITYNET to provide infrastructure certainty to the inner-city, as part of the wider METRONET;
- Plan for major projects including: CBD light rail, a future underground rail network and ferry routes
- Future planning to allow for land acquisition to minimize future delivery costs.
“The other big ideas to address Perth’s inner-city challenges include: a new retail strategy, creating a unique brand to attract residents and tourists, forming an inner-city council of agencies and local government and a Postcode 6000 project to increase Perth’s residential population,” Mr Iacomella said.
Media contact: Lino Iacomella | M 0417 1 974 | E [email protected]