Place Strategy sets the framework for Westmead s future growth

Home Media Releases Place Strategy sets the framework for Westmead s future growth

Place Strategy sets the framework for Westmead’s future growth

The Property Council of Australia has today welcomed the NSW Government’s release of the Draft Westmead Place Strategy, outlining key principles to govern the livability and prosperity of the Westmead Precinct over the coming years.

“By 2036, there will be as many employees in the Westmead Precinct as there are in the Parramatta CBD today,” the Property Council’s Western Sydney Regional Directo Ross Grove said today.

“The Westmead of the future will be connected to the rest of the city via the existing heavy rail network, the Parramatta Light Rail and the coming Sydney Metro West.

“Westmead Hospital sits at the heart of what will be a thriving health, research and education precinct with the potential to become a world leader in health services, research and innovation.

“This Place Strategy is an important piece of the puzzle in ensuring future growth is well-planned and aligns with the existing strengths of the area. It makes a good start at identifying future access corridors to ease the movement of people across the precinct, while expanding on the strengths of green links and key heritage assets.

“We look forward to working with our members in preparing the industry’s response to the draft strategy, to ensure this key part of the region is able to reach its full potential.”

Media contact:  Ross Grove | M 0412 897 130 | E [email protected]