Thursday, 08 December 2022
Perth CBD the place to be as office occupancy hits 80 per cent
The CBD hassurged into summer, with office occupancy levels reaching 80 per cent comparedto pre-COVID levels – the highest recording in the country.
The PropertyCouncil’s survey for November 2022 found workers have returned to the CBD indroves, with the data showing peak day office attendance at 88 per cent.
PropertyCouncil WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said Perth’s nation-leadingoccupancy rate in our CBD is a resounding victory.
“If thepast two years have taught us anything, it’s that flexible work is here tostay. But an 80 per cent occupancy rate in our CBD highlights not only thereare far more workers in the CBD than at home, but the Perth CBD is a place thatworkers want to be,” Ms Brewer said.
“Walking around the CBD, you get a real sense of positivity and drive,the city is bustling with plenty of exciting new activations, fabulous retailand food and beverage options, so of course, more people are coming back intothe City.
“Thisvictory can be chalked up to the leadership shown by the property sector, thePremier’s encouragement for public sector workers to continue to work fromtheir offices, and the Lord Mayor’s passionate support for the Perth City.
“Theshared belief in the value of the CBD and joint leadership has led Perth tolead the country in recovery from the pandemic.”
For two years,the Property Council, alongside the state government and the City of Perth, advocatedfor workers to return to the CBD through collaborative programs like the CBDVIP campaign. This initiative, amongst other policies, has allowed workers tomaintain their connection to the heart of commerce “” the CBD.
“Throughoutthe pandemic, we’ve seen strong public sector leadership “” from the Premierdown,” Ms Brewer said.
“What we’reseeing in Western Australia is that public servants across all departments andagencies are in their workplaces, collaborating and working hard to make the WAcommunity better. Other capital city public sector leaders should take note.”
Beyond thepositive economic outcomes for businesses that rely on office workers, WAstands to win the race for talent and productivity-engaged workforces which willposition us well to drive economic growth.
“Thefact that WA’s economic outlook is so strong is due to the sense ofcollaboration and commitment to a thriving economy across both private andpublic sector workforces.
“WesternAustralians understand the significance of their economic contribution, whichaccounts for around half of Australia’s exports of goods.The feeling on the ground is optimistic, driven and enterprising.
“The only thing that will hold back WA’sprosperity is the lack of workers. Our affordable cost of living and highmedian incomes are enticing benefits and long with a strong economy and lowerhousing costs, a great reason for workers to move to WA,” Ms Brewerconcluded.
Media contact: MeganLack | M 0449252380 | E [email protected]