New leadership team for local property industryThe Property Council of Australia has elected a new ACT Division Council, with a new President and office bearers. George Katheklakis, Principal of NDH Property Group, has been elected President, with Col Alexander, Chief Executive Officer of CIC Australia, and Mèdy Hassan, Managing Director of Haus Holdings, jointly assuming the role of Vice President.According to the Property Council’s ACT Executive Director, Catherine Carter, the Division Council’s talented senior industry leaders have an enduring passion for Canberra. “The Property Council is important voice in Canberra. The property sector generates almost 25,000 jobs across the ACT and is the Territory’s third largest employer. Our industry contributes $2.6 billion to the local economy – just under 10 per cent of the Territory’s total wealth – and has been instrumental in building a city that frequently tops the rankings of Australia’s most liveable.”The Property Council is committed to building a capital city that supports great quality of life for today’s Canberrans and that will be the pride of future generations, and we are delighted to attract experienced property professionals who are willing to volunteer their time and energy to make Canberra a better place for us all,” Ms Carter says.Mr Katheklakis was formerly Vice President of the ACT Division Council between 2011 and 2014. He sits on the Board of Canberra CBD Pty Ltd, and served as Chair of the Property Council’s Sustainable Development Committee. He has overseen the delivery of several significant commercial office and multi-unit residential developments, including the award-winning 16 Marcus Clarke Street, and the recently-completed Linq Apartments in Belconnen. “I’m committed to Canberra, and to contributing to a high-quality urban environment that is dynamic, liveable and sustainable,” Mr Katheklakis says.”I’d like to pay tribute to outgoing President Jure Domazet who has made a significant contribution to the Property Council over the last four years. We are delighted that Jure will continue to share his experience with us as the Division Council’s Immediate Past President,” Mr Katheklakis adds.”The property industry is the foundation for almost all businesses across the Territory, and a significant attractor of interstate and overseas investment. Our focus this year will be on strengthening economic opportunities and advocating the removal of inefficient taxes that stifle investment and growth. “We need a property market that is attractive to a broad range of investors so that we may continue to create jobs, homes and fantastic places for people,” Mr Katheklakis concludes.Further details attached.Media contact: Catherine Carter, ACT Executive Director, 02 6248 6902 or 0412 330 079
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