29 October 2023
New flood evacuation modelling highlights need to identify safe locations for new housing
The Property Council of Australia has underlined the need to locate safe places for housing following the New South Wales Government’s announcement of new flood evacuation modelling.
Property Council of Australia’s Western Sydney Regional Director Ross Grove said today’s announcement created a new challenge for the delivery of housing in Western Sydney.
“The NSW Government has confirmed it is not proceeding with planning proposals for new housing across the Marsden Park North and Riverstone Town Centre; while the capacity of a planning proposal for Schofields West has had its capacity to deliver new housing reduced,” Mr Grove said.
“Overall, the expectation of new housing growth for the area has been reduced by approximately 10,300 new homes.
“We support a cautious approach to considering the flood risk in greenfield housing release areas.
“However the decision to turn off new housing means we need find other areas where this growth can safely occur.
“At the March state election, the Property Council called for a review of Sydney’s metropolitan/rural boundary. If we’re going to turn away from delivering housing in some areas, we need begin exploring what can be done in safer areas.”
Mr Grove said the Property Council also supported the advocacy of local governments across Western Sydney to ensure flood evacuation infrastructure is delivered to support existing communities.
“Projects like the Castlereagh Connection are critical to ensuring communities to the north of Penrith can relocate quickly in extreme weather events,” he said.
“A failure to deliver new housing is driving a national housing supply crisis. Our industry stands ready to provide housing in locations that are safer, smarter and better connected to local infrastructure.”
Media contact: Aidan Green | 04910 300 28 | [email protected]