National Cabinet announcement a welcome step on international borders

Home Media Releases National Cabinet announcement a welcome step on international borders


The Property Council of Australia has welcomed today’s National Cabinet decision to task the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) with providing guidance on the future of international border quarantine arrangements.

AHPPC have been asked to provide specific health advice regarding the implications for quarantine arrangements and the reopening of Australia following a successful vaccine rollout of Phase 1A and 1B.

“The safe reopening of international borders is one of the biggest decisions facing Australia and this review is an important step in enabling this to happen,” Property Council Chief Executive, Ken Morrison said.

“Australia needs greater clarity and consistency not just around our domestic restrictions but also around the implications of the vaccine rollout on our international quarantine arrangements.”

“Population growth is a critical ingredient to Australia’s economic success. If the resumption of normal border arrangements cannot occur until some time in 2022, National Cabinet should take concrete steps increase our quarantine capacity now.”

“Australia can stay safe and accelerate economic recovery by ramping up our quarantine arrangements to enable ten times the current capacity.”

The Property Council also congratulated the Federal Government for securing an additional 20 million doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

Media Contact: Henry Pike  M | 0408 406 637  E | [email protected]