METRONET to benefit from community title

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METRONET to benefit from community title

The Government’s decision to introduce Community Title will enable METRONET to deliver mixed use transit hubs that provide jobs, housing diversity and support local business.

“Community Title will enable developments that can provide affordable housing and meet every day needs such as shopping and business transactions all within walking distance of the train station,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

“This level of livability is something rarely seen in WA due to overly-restrictive strata laws.

“Once the new strata legislation is passed, we’ll see transport orientated developments taking shape that will transform how West Australians think about public transport.

“METRONET has huge potential to create developments that will offer greater housing choice to suit a wider demographic through more medium and high density housing options in close proximity to passenger rail.

“These developments will  also provide a more affordable solution for those looking to live close to transport with easy access in and out of the CBD while also being close to shops, schools, and other necessities.

“METRONET has the potential to transform metropolitan Perth into a connected and liveable city by being the catalyst for creating vibrant hubs along new and existing passenger rail lines.

“The McGowan Government has committed to establishing METRONET and industry is on board.

“As long as industry is consulted early when key infrastructure decisions are being made it can align planning and development to support government plans to deliver the housing, transport and amenity that communities need.

The State Government must now work cohesively with local government and industry to deliver major infrastructure projects that will create communities, jobs and keep WA growing.

Media contact:  Lino Iacomella  |  M  0417 1 974   |   E  [email protected]