The Property Council has welcomed today’s announcement by the state government revealing a range of initiatives targeted at boosting housing supply.
In front of an audience of over 750 professionals, the Premier announced three initiatives, which have consistently been advocated by the Property Council WA.
The announcements included the establishment of a new Infrastructure Development Fund, a permanent pathway for state significant projects and Development Assessment Panels (DAPs).
Property Council of WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said the policy reforms announced today will increase housing supply within the state.
“We welcome these initiatives by the state government which will help unlock development sites previously considered unfeasible and provide more choice in planning pathways, resulting in a much-needed boost to housing supply,” Ms Brewer said.
“The Property Council is committed to working with the state government to ensure there is a robust pipeline of homes to meet the needs of all Western Australians.”
“In these unusual market conditions, it is imperative government and industry work collaboratively on innovative approaches to preserving housing affordability in WA.”
“New Property Council WA polling found that three quarters of Perth residents agree there is a lack of affordable housing supply in their area, and eight in ten believe that a lack of new housing will make housing less affordable.”
“We know housing affordability is critical to talent attraction and as our state grows, we need to ensure that housing delivery keeps pace with demand. These measures are an important step towards ensuring this.” Ms Brewer concluded.
Media contact: Megan Lack | M 0449252380 | E [email protected]