Loss of Melbourne s most liveable title a call to action

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Loss of Melbourne’s “most liveable” title a call to action

The loss of Melbourne’s title as The Economist’s World’s Most Liveable City is a call to action and tough decisions must be made for the long-term future of Melbourne, says the Property Council of Australia.

In May, the Property Council launched a report by global urbanist and cities expert, Professor Greg Clark, Creating Great Australian Cities. Professor Clark’s research confirmed that Melbourne has a brand that is better than its product.

“The Creating Great Australian Cities report told us that Melbourne doesn’t score well on factors like congestion, digital connectivity  and fragmentation of government. Today’s result from The Economist confirms this,” said Victorian Executive Director (Acting), Matthew Kandelaars.

With an upcoming State Election, it’s vital that politicians look ahead and show the courage to make tough, long-term decisions to ensure Victoria’s prosperity and liveability.

“The answers aren’t simple, but now is the time for action.

“As immediate steps, we must accelerate housing supply and choice across all areas of Melbourne, drive an evidence-led infrastructure pipeline and improve the independence and capability of our planning system,” said Mr Kandelaars.

Media contact: Matthew Kandelaars | M 0416 443 555 |  E [email protected]