Local Government must also accept challenge to shift from ‘business as usual’ to achieve housing diversity
The property industry in WA calls on all local governments to join in accepting the challenge presented by Housing Minister, Peter Tinley at the Property Council Multi-Unit Housing Conference to shift from ‘business as usual’ in housing delivery, to achieve greater housing diversity in Perth.
“It is very pleasing to hear the McGowan Government is committed to leveraging residential density and urban infill opportunities in Perth”, said Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella.
“We are up for the challenge to create more connected, affordable and liveable precincts.
“However local governments also have a key role in explaining to their ratepayers at a much earlier point, what their neighbourhoods will look like and the benefits that arise when there are greater housing choices and more local amenities.
“The property industry understands that the public will only fully accept higher densities if it is shown the bigger picture, including better connections to public transport, more schools and child-care places, green spaces as well as the increased urban vibrancy that comes with more clientele for local shops and cafés.
“The proposed Metronet precincts and the main road connections between stations and suburban activity centres provide the perfect opportunity to make this happen.
“However local governments need to be more actively involved at an early point to engage local communities with their local planning schemes. This will help overcome the ‘business as usual’ situation of communities grappling with developments at the end-point of the development planning process”, said Mr Iacomella.