Landgate Commercialisation Welcomed

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Landgate Commercialisation Welcomed


The Property Council welcomes the Government’s announcement to consider options to commercialise the operations of Landgate, including WA’s land titles registry.

“The decision to commercialise land title registries in other States has proven to be successful asset recycling initiatives as well as delivering benefits for industry and the public, said Property Council WA Executive Director, Lino Iacomella

“Commercialisation will lead to greater innovations and competition in product delivery and the Government can use the proceeds from the sale to fund key budget measures like community infrastructure.

 “As part of the commercialisation process the property industry will be looking for a commitment to maintain open data and a competitive marketplace for property statistics.

 “It’s also an opportunity for the government to differentiate more clearly the provision of easily accessible and affordable public information to help homebuyers and the array of more complex property information required by industry.

 “The commercialisation of WA’s land registry information is also a reasonable response to WA’s Budget situation and the Property Council encourages the Government to consider other opportunities to recycle state land and trading assets’, said Mr Iacomella.