The Property Council has welcomed the focus on boosting energy efficiency in the Federal Opposition’s energy policy announced today.
However the dilemma of a national, economy-wide mechanism to deliver affordable and reliable energy while reducing our emissions remains unresolved.
“Energy efficiency has long been overlooked as a practical and cost-effective way of reducing energy costs and cutting carbon emissions and it is pleasing to see this as a key plank of the Opposition’s policy today,” said Ken Morrison, Chief Executive of the Property Council of Australia.
“Labor’s platform gives some overdue recognition to the importance of energy efficiency, and we look forward to a more detailed discussion around the design and implementation of these measures.
“Australia’s property industry is a global leader in delivering a sustainable and energy efficient built environment and well-placed to support the design and implementation of world-class energy efficiency outcomes.
“Labor’s plan proposes to double Australia’s energy productivity by 2030 by building on the existing National Energy Productivity Plan and drawing on the Green Building Council of Australia’s Carbon Positive Roadmap.
“The plan also recognises that the energy sector will need to make a bigger commitment to emissions reduction as we move towards a net zero emissions objective by 20. Energy efficiency alone will not be able to achieve a net zero carbon building or precinct.
“The Property Council has been advocating for a national plan towards net zero emissions buildings with strong targets for emissions and energy performance in buildings, regular public reporting on progress, and strong industry engagement.”
Mr Morrison said despite a range of positive initiatives proposed by Labor, a fundamental challenge for energy policy in Australia remains unresolved.
“The Property Council, along with other business and stakeholder groups, has been a strong advocate for an economy-wide mechanism that delivers reliable and affordable energy while reducing carbon emissions.
“Labor’s statement today represents a de-prioritisation of that objective by requiring the high bar of political bipartisanship before a National Energy Guarantee or like framework would be implemented,” Mr Morrison said.
Media contact:Matt Francis | M 0467 777 220 | E[email protected]