Hunter Media Release

Home Media Releases Hunter Media Release

The Property Council of Australia has today released its 2023 State Election Platform, with a renewed focus on homes, infrastructure and sustainability.

Property Council”s Hunter Regional Director Anita Hugo said the Hunter was Australia”s largest regional economy with more than $57 billion in economic output and it was time to unlock its full potential.

“The region is prospering, but to ensure this continues we have five key recommendations for the 2023 state election,” Ms Hugo said.

“We are supported by a highly professional and skilled workforce and strong education, health, energy, resources, tourism, creative industries, manufacturing and defence sectors.

“This is underpinned by a significant and diversified property sector. At the heart of the Hunter is a number of growing catalyst city centres, undergoing transformation through public and private investment with projected population growth exceeding expectations.

“Getting the policy levers right will secure the region”s future.”

Five key state election recommendations for Newcastle and Hunter region:

  1. Build capacity and diversity at Newcastle Airport and Newcastle Port to support growth of the regional economy. This includes the commitment of funding to and implementation of the Williamtown Special Activation Precinct.
  2. Establish a Hunter infrastructure fund to unlock housing in the Hunter and extend Newcastle Mines Grouting Fund to cover NSW.
  3. Deliver freight rail and passenger transport improvements that will provide a more efficient network with high frequency connections to key centres across the region. Plan for extension of the Light Rail system to Broadmeadow and Callaghan.
  4. Work with community and industry to accelerate plans for Hunter Park.
  5. Commit to fast rail between Newcastle and Sydney, with inclusion of Wi-fi enabled carriages, to make commuting more efficient and boost economic activity in both cities.

“What the Property Council has put on the table today is not just an aspirational plan for the future of our region “” but a plan to deliver it,” Ms Hugo concluded.

The Property Council”s 2023 Election Platform and full list of detailed recommendations is available here .


Media contact: Anita Hugo | M 0439 253 710 | E [email protected]