Gunner announces CBD overhaul

Home Media Releases Gunner announces CBD overhaul

Gunner announces CBD overhaul


The Chief Minister Michael Gunner addressed a 2+ crowd yesterday at his “2017 – The Year Ahead” luncheon.

The Property Council of Australia’s Executive Director Northern Territory Ruth Palmer said the Property Council was pleased with the new plans for the Darwin City Centre.

“Business confidence in the property industry is not particularly strong at the moment, with this boost in investment across the CBD we should see signs of improvement.

“It is great to see a 10 year Capital Works Program underway for the CBD, this will encourage people to want to live, work and play here. We need a well performing city centre and this is a positive step in the right direction.

“The re-establishment of the Capital Cities Committee is something the Property Council has advocated for quite some time and we will be calling on the government to ensure the private sector is included.

“Along with the importance of re-establishing the Committee, we have also been vocal in the benefits of a redevelopment of State Square.

“This area is rich in culture and history and it will assist in the linkage between the Waterfront and the CBD. It is a project that is long overdue and we welcome the opportunity to work with the government in how it can best be utilised.

Yesterday’s address by the Chief Minister contains a number of worthwhile initiatives and we look forward to quick action to ensure their delivery.

 Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  04 428 314  |   E  [email protected]