Government releases Central Darwin Area Plan
The Property Council of Australia welcomes the release of the Northern Territory Government’s Central Darwin Area Plan Discussion Paper.
Property Council NT Director Ruth Palmer said the release of the area plan is a sign that the government is committed to moving the Territory forward and planning for expected growth.
“The Property Council supports the revitalisation of the Darwin CBD and we have been extremely vocal in ensuring an area plan is developed,” Ms Palmer said.
“We need to continue to make our CBD more attractive for people who live, work and play in the area.
“The Area Plan needs to incorporate and build on existing planning documents that is already in the public realm, such as the Darwin City Centre Master Plan.
“There is currently a massive void in consistency over the long-term planning needs for Darwin and the Northern Territory region generally.
“Industry needs concrete long term plans like the Barneson Boulevard project, which was planned for over 3 decades, required further investigations and subsequent land acquisitions.
“This plan will assist in ensuring that we meet the demands of a growing population while preserving the natural environment by catering for greenspace and activating existing parklands.”
The Property Council encourages the community to be a part of the consultation process and have their voices heard on the plan.
“We have been vocal in the need for strategic planning, particularly in Darwin’s Inner Suburbs and City Centre, we encourage the community and stakeholders to visit to have their say.
“The expected plan will see more residents and activity in and around Darwin’s CBD which will have a positive flow on effect to the CBD and the economy.”
“Infrastructure upgrades and transport management plans will allow for greater city activity.
“We look forward to being involved with the Government processes throughout the consultation.”
Media contact: Ruth Palmer | 04 428 314 | E [email protected]