Girls in Property program empowering future generations

Home Media Releases Girls in Property program empowering future generations

Tuesday 13 June 2023


Girls in Property program empowering future generations

60 female high school students will today descend into Perth’s CBD for a unique opportunity to explore the world of property.

Students from Penrhos College and St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls will participate in the day-long Girls in Property program, dedicated to learning about Western Australia’s property industry. They will gain a deeper understanding of the property industry’s significance in Australia’s social and economic development and explore the wide array of available career possibilities.

Property Council WA Executive Director Sandra Brewer said the Girls in Property program provides future generations with a tangible glimpse of what a career in property can entail.

“Property offers a plethora of exciting career opportunities, however often young women haven’t been exposed to the range of careers available,” Ms Brewer said.

“The perception of a career in property can often be limited to jobs in construction, conjuring up images of trades, tools and hard hats. While it can be all these things, there are also exciting roles available in property law, finance, planning, architecture, asset and facilities management, leasing, sales and marketing, and many more.

“Our program involves exceptional and enthusiastic industry mentors who are passionate about showcasing to these young students career pathways in property they may not be aware of,” she said.

Ms Brewer emphasised the Property Council and industry advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion, especially with regard to women’s participation in the property industry.

“Australian Electoral Commission data from 2019 showed women comprise 24.3 per cent of the property industry. Empowering young women to consider the property industry as a viable career choice will only enhance diversity and innovation for the future,” she said.

“The Girls in Property program serves as another collaborative effort with industry leaders to support these objectives and provide the necessary information and positive influences for women to succeed,” Ms Brewer concluded.

The Property Council’s Girls in Property program will commence in Perth at Brookfield Place on June 13, 2023.

The students will take part in a range of activities including:

  • Learning about the property and construction industry while hearing from leaders about their careers
  • Understanding more about education options and pathways that can lead to a career in property
  • A range of industry site tours across Perth CBD
  • Opportunity to network, connect and ask questions of leaders within the industry.

Background Information

  • 60 young females from two independent private schools are taking part in the 2023 program in Perth.
  • Following a successful pilot project in NSW in 2017, the Property Council rolled out the Girls in Property program nationally in 2018. Over 1,500 students have participated nationally in the program since its launch.
  • Students gain insights into the industry and hear from industry leaders about what a career in property looks like, the challenges and opportunities they might face and the variety of jobs on offer.
  • The students also focus on why the industry is so important to Australia’s social and economic development and attend site tours of new developments.


Media contact: Megan Lack | 0449 252 380 | [email protected]