Full Private Certification to Cut Costs and Stem Time Delays

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Full Private Certification to Cut Costs and Stem Time Delays

The next Government needs to introduce full private certification of building permit applications to reduce the cost of construction and streamline the certification process.

Currently, the WA system only allows for partial private certification of building permit applications meaning local government authorities are required to double handle a certified application and then issue the permit for an additional fee.

“WA is arguably one of the most over-regulated states in the country and this burden is a disincentive which is constraining businesses,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

“The council fee is an unnecessary cost additional cost of compliance at a time when the state government should be incentivising the property industry to grow the economy.”

 “Full private certification of building permit applications to enable private certifiers to issue building permits will streamline regulatory requirements as well as reduce the cost and time taken to process permit applications.”

“This is particularly true for commercial building projects where the costs can escalate into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. What we need to see is a commitment from both parties contesting next year’s State election to introduce full private certification to stop this needless waste of money and time.”

“The change would bring WA into line with other states, such as NSW and Victoria, and significantly streamline the application process.”   


 Media contact:  Lino Iacomella  |  M  0417 1 974   |   E  [email protected]