From Livestock to Building Blocks

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From Livestock to Building Blocks

The Property Council of Australia is putting its support behind the Northern Territory Government’s announcement of locally owned and operated company Halikos as the successful tender for the development of Berrimah Farm.

Property Council NT Director Ruth Palmer said this is welcome news after the tender went out to the business community in January.

“I congratulate Halikos on securing the development rights of Berrimah Farm and we look forward to seeing their vision on turning this area into an urban centre.” 

“With a pause in the market, now is the time to strategically ensure that enough future stock is at the ready. 

“We need effective planning in place now to serve us well into the future without a rushed through job. 

“We have long advocated the need for urban infill of Berrimah Farm and for NT Government land to be used in a way that benefits Territorians by creating jobs, boosting the economy and more housing choices for locals. 

“This development should also relieve pressure off the rural area and we can continue to keep the rural, rural. 

The proposed development at Berrimah Farm is projected to house up to 7000 residents with a mixed used precinct. 

“This premium land should attract investors and locals who want to live here and will deliver gradual land release that will in turn boost our economic growth.” 

Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  04 428 314  |   E  [email protected]