Forward step with Smart Planning

Home Media Releases Forward step with Smart Planning

Forward step with Smart Planning

The Property Council has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement on reforming Victoria’s planning system.

Victorian Property Council Executive Director, Jennifer Cunich, said the reforms are the first step in untangling Melbourne’s overly complex planning system.

“Streamlining the planning system is the best way to ensure our economic future; attracting industry investment and jobs to our great State.

“The new Smart Planning system is exactly what the doctor ordered for Victoria’s antiquated planning system, says Ms Cunich.

The Property Council in its Pre-budget Submission recently called for greater investment in the planning system to reduce costly approval waiting and to cut red tape.

“This investment will bring the planning system out of the 19th century and into the 21st.

“Smart Planning will reduce costs for all stakeholders by using technology to reduce paperwork and accelerate decision making.

“We welcome this investment in the future and encourage all stakeholders to embrace the changes it will bring about”, says Ms Cunich.


Media contact:  Asher Judah  |  M  0499 841 715 |   E  [email protected]