Energy efficiency measures welcomed

Home Media Releases Energy efficiency measures welcomed

Energy efficiency measures welcomed

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the Government’s announcement of funding for energy efficiency measures, including a $17 million commitment for action on buildings.

“Energy efficiency has long been overlooked as a practical, cost-effective way for business and households to reduce their energy bills and cut carbon emissions,” said Property Council Chief Executive, Ken Morrison.

“Our built environment contributes around a quarter of Australia’s total emissions, so support for energy efficiency makes good sense, especially since the Government’s revamped Emissions Reduction Fund is not effective in driving change in the built environment,” Mr Morrison said.

“Today’s announcement is a positive step, but there are still bigger strides to be taken.”

The Property Council welcomes the announcement of $7.1 million for measures for commercial buildings, and $3.4 million for residential buildings. This includes support for the implementation of the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings which was recently approved by COAG Energy Ministers.

$1 million is being provided to support the expansion of the National Australian Built Environment Rating Scheme (NABERS) to other building types. NABERS  represents the best of Government and industry collaboration in the property industry and the announced funding is crucial to support the expansion of a trusted, robust benchmark of energy performance to other segments of the built environment.

“Australia’s property industry is a global leader in delivering a sustainable and energy efficient built environment and well-placed to support the design and implementation of world-class energy efficiency outcomes,” Mr Morrison said.

 Media contact: Matt Francis | M 0467 777 220  | E [email protected]