Draft SEQ Regional Plan released
The Queensland Government has released their draft revision of the South East Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP), which will include a 25 year statutory plan, and a year vision.
A residential supply target has been proposed of 40% greenfield, 60% infill. This is a shift from the % / % target set in the 2009 SEQRP and the 60% greenfield and 40% infill target set in the 2005 SEQRP. There are individual targets set for each local government area, and for each sub-region.
There will be an attempt to provide a 15 year rolling supply of adequately zoned greenfield land that is capable of being serviced by infrastructure. 8,200 hectares of new greenfield land, and 13,600 hectares of greenfield land included in PDAs that has ‘become urban’ since 2009, will be brought into the urban footprint.
Public and active transport and areas for employment are a significant focus within the draft plan.
Five background papers accompany the plan, which provide further information on the data used and assumptions made in the draft’s development. A measuring and monitoring program has been slated to commence 12 months after the release of the draft.
Public consultation on the draft plan will run until 3 March 2017. It is expected that the final plan will come into effect in mid-2017. Unlike with previous SEQRP revisions, the current regulatory provisions will remain in place until the final plan is released, at which time the SPRP will be amended.
The Property Council’s Making the Plan a Reality policy paper outlines what the industry has been seeking from the Government in the revised SEQRP. The Property Council’s initial response to the plan’s release can be found here.
The Property Council will be hosting the Mayors of Brisbane, Logan, and Ipswich for a SEQRP breakfast event on 22 November, exploring the response of local government to the proposed new regional plan.