Directions Document a welcome approach

Home Media Releases Directions Document a welcome approach

Directions Document a welcome approach Property Council NSW Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald today welcomed the release of the Greater Sydney Commission’s Directions for a Greater Sydney 2017 – 2056 that included the announcement of new Growth Infrastructure Compacts to manage Sydney’s growth. “Today’s announcement at the Property Council’s July Business Lunch indicates the Commission has listened to feedback from the industry and the community that the multitude of strategies and plans being released by the State Government require stronger coordination and a consistent policy foundation. “The Directions document is more accessible than the draft District Plans and succinctly outlines the principles that will underpin key strategies such as the Future Transport Strategy, updated Infrastructure Plan and the final District Plans. “The Growth Infrastructure Compacts announced by Chief Commissioner Turnbull today provide an opportunity to better sequence infrastructure provision including hospitals and transport to support growth areas. “If it works, it should result in new growth areas receiving the infrastructure that is needed before development occurs, or while it is occurring. “The Greater Parramatta and Olympic Park growth area is a good place to trial this new approach as the Westmead Health Precinct, the Parramatta Strategic Centre and the investment in light rail and the West Metro all providing catalysts for growth. “Governance and funding mechanisms will be critical elements to the Growth Infrastructure Compact model and will ultimately determine whether the promising concept will become a successful reality. “Who has the final say on what areas of Sydney will be prioritised under the compact model will also be important to ensure changes outlast the electoral cycle and have full support across Government.”Media contact: William Power| M 0429 210 982 | E [email protected]