Darwin off to a flying start

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Darwin off to a flying start


The Property Council of Australia’s NT Division welcomes the unveiling today of the Northern Territory Government’s Darwin City Revitalisation fly through.

Property Council of Australia’s Northern Territory Executive Director Ruth Palmer said that this latest announcement is a major victory and endorses the Northern Territory Government’s CBD revitalisation strategy and its respective record budget spend. 

“Today’s fly through and draft concept announcement details heralds the important start of extensive community and stakeholder consultation and discussion.

“The vision that emerges at the end of this process must be bold, but also be inclusive and bring along both the community and businesses.

“Whilst the fly through includes a number of projects, some of those projects are a finalisation of past incomplete projects that were commenced over 40 years ago. 

“With a record amount of funding potentially being contributed from all levels of government, this is a significant down payment for future jobs in one of the locations where the highest growth in future jobs and new industries will be located.

“We are looking forward to working with the Northern Territory Government throughout the consultation phase and achieving a multi-level government plan that will guide the city into the future.

“The Property Council is confident that once a plan; and more importantly locked in Commonwealth Government funding emerges, private investment will emerge to take advantage of the future opportunities which will bring new investment and spending.”

*The draft concepts and fly-through can be viewed at www.darwincitydeal.nt.gov.au *

Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  04 428 314  |   E  [email protected]