Creation of Infrastructure WA a milestone for productivity and prosperity
The Property Council of Australia warmly welcomes the announcement that the Bill to establish Infrastructure WA to advise government on infrastructure planning and priorities will be introduced to Parliament this week.
“This is a great step forward in building a more productive and prosperous WA,” said Property Council WA Executive Director, Sandra Brewer.
“Having an independent and expert body to advise government on future infrastructure requirements and projects is an important investment in WA’s future.
“It’s a decision that will serve current and future generations of West Australians very well by helping the Government of the day make the best decisions about the infrastructure we need to grow our economy, and improve the liveability of our community,” Ms Brewer said.
The Property Council has been a long-standing advocate of a body such as Infrastructure WA.
“Our industry has for a long time advocated the need for a greater focus in government on planning, prioritising and delivering infrastructure that supports economic and productivity as well as improves the quality of life for West Australians,” Ms Brewer said.
“The creation of an independent body to identify and prioritise critical infrastructure was the top recommendation in our 2017 state election policy platform, and we congratulate the Premier and his Government for delivering on their promise.
“Importantly, Infrastructure WA will have the independence to provide critical assessments of infrastructure project proposals as well as ensure they are consistent with the longer term strategy for our infrastructure pipeline.
“This will help build confidence among business and investors who will have a much clearer idea of what the opportunities will be for them to be part of building WA’s future.
“Infrastructure WA will help government of the day get the best value from every dollar it spends on infrastructure.
“We look forward to supporting Infrastructure WA in carrying out its important work which will help shape the future prosperity and opportunities for our state,” Ms Brewer said.