CoD endorses Property Council Cooling Revitalisation Project

Home Media Releases CoD endorses Property Council Cooling Revitalisation Project

CoD endorses Property Council Cooling & Revitalisation Project

The Property Council of Australia recently put forward a Project Proposal to the City of Darwin which was endorsed by the Council Alderman at their recent meeting.

The Property Council of Australia’s Northern Territory Division’s “Cooling and Revitalising Darwin City” Project aims to enable the community of Darwin to identify the change elements needed for Darwin, a Tropical City to become more livable, walkable and desirable while people go about their daily activities.

The Property Council of Australia’s Northern Territory Executive Director Ruth Palmer said that the projects purpose is to transform a small section of street to demonstrate the benefits of urban cooling elements such as shade, ventilation and the use of soft landscaping.

“It is great that the City of Darwin has recognised the importance of this project and to the community, we, the Property Council of Australia, are committed to the revitalisation and activation of the CBD and this is just another step we have taken in action.   

“The project will be a pop-up display – loungeroom style where the community can come and visit. This display is intended to be mobile and will be moved to three locations over a three month period to capture a large portion of population and for study purposes.

“Visitors will be encouraged to experience the effects of these passive methods of cooling through experience, not exhibition.

“This project will be constructed using recycled timber boards and pallets for flooring and sides, vehicle protection, advanced potted trees, timber benches for seating and tables, solar powered fans for ventilation, grassed areas and a shade canopy.  

“Each location will be negotiated with the adjoining landowners and tenants and would be sized to fit a two car park space.

“We really want to provide a dual experience whereby visitors experience the human comfort levels of a particular location with its current conditions which are unshaded, have hard landscaping and lack of ventilation to then immediately experiencing the pop up area with its enhanced micro climate.

“We are hoping the visitors will spend around 15 minutes experiencing the display, long enough to feel the effects and have a coffee or a bite to eat from a nearby business. We want to show visitors the benefits of a cooler city with a hands on display and that it is achievable for our CBD.

 “We thank the City of Darwin for their support to this project and we look forward to working with the CoD to enable this project to get up and running and to promote it in a positive way.

Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  04 428 314  |   E  [email protected]