City must think on its feet to improve vibrancy

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City must think on its feet to improve vibrancy

It’s time to take walking seriously and introduce a raft of initiatives that put pedestrians first in our inner city. These initiatives are outlined the Property Council’s latest report Big and Small Ideas for Perth.

“The best cities in the world are the most walkable. The more foot traffic the better it is for local business, community safety and the overall vibrancy of the city,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

“Perth’s inner-city walking corridors are often poor, with the focus having been spent on moving vehicular traffic instead of encouraging walking.

The Property Council report Big and Small Ideas for Perth proposes the following initiatives to increase foot traffic and make Perth a more walkable city:

  • New City Boulevards – provide pedestrians with consistent, high quality walk environment between key destination
  • Pedestrian first intersections – design intersection as much for pedestrians as we do cars, reducing wait times and put the movement of pedestrians first
  • Residential superblocks- limit traffic through residential streets, reduced onsite parking to create greener more walkable inner-city enclaves
  • Build-in Ridesharing – provide more pick-up and drop-off spaces to embrace ride sharing services
  • Improved wayfinding – introduce more signage and incorporate live information at key sites and allow for smaller scale ‘guerilla’ wayfinding signage
  • No mandated car parking – minimum car parking requirements should be removed in inner city locations where high frequency public transport is available

“Implementing these initiatives will renew the walking experience across the inner-city and bring much needed foot-traffic and vibrancy to our city.”

“The other big ideas to address Perth’s inner-city challenges include: a new retail strategy, creating a unique brand to attract residents and tourists, forming an inner-city council of agencies and local government and a Postcode 600 project to increase Perth’s residential population,” Mr Iacomella said.



Media contact:  Lino Iacomella  |  M  0417 1 974   |   E  [email protected]