Property Council joins calls for local government to do some heavy lifting by giving certainty on rates relief
The Property Council of Australia Tasmania Division has joined the Tasmanian Small Business Council’s calls for local government to immediately offer broad based rate relief to struggling Tasmanian businesses.
Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman said on the back of a call by the Prime Minister for landlords and tenants to work together, that it is incumbent on local government to offer rates relief.
Mr Wightman said landlords are talking with their tenants now and cannot wait for complex system to test hardship to be drawn up.
“Put simply, local government needs to show it can do its bit and offer rates relief to support business and the community,” Mr Wightman said.
“Landlords have clarity about land tax in the big picture, broadly know what is happening with tenancy laws, but have little to no idea what local government are able to contribute when it comes to rates relief.
“Local government needs to consider immediate rates relief for all businesses, including a 100% 12-month rates hiatus for those facing significant hardship, and maintenance of rates at current Average Assessed Value (AAV), not adjusted to increased AAVs that are out of kilter with current property values on the back of the current crisis.
“Businesses cannot afford to wait for local government, they need decisions and clarity now – it is time for the sector to show leadership and do what the other two tiers of Government have done and provide support to ensure that the economy can recover after this crisis is over.”