Building energy efficiency measures welcomed

Home Media Releases Building energy efficiency measures welcomed

Building energy efficiency measures welcomed

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed today’s announcement of a $1.9 billion package of investment in future technologies to reduce emissions, support jobs and improve the reliability of energy supply.

The overwhelming majority of this funding has been directed towards guaranteed baseline funding for ARENA which is welcome, as well as support for improved energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings.

$52.2 million has been allocated for energy productivity measures, including$12 million for hotel energy uplift programs.

“The Property Council has been a long-standing advocate of more support to help property owners improve the energy efficiency of our built environment,” said Ken Morrison, Property Council Chief Executive.

“While this is a modest commitment in the overall scheme of things, it’s a great starting point and we look forward to working with the federal government on building the momentum for amore ambitious focus on energy efficiency in our built environment to drive down emissions while delivering more affordable and reliable energy.”

“Given the government’s focus on technology-based solutions to reduce emissions, the built environment which accounts for around one-quarter of our emissions should be a priority for further government incentives and support.

“There is a potentially an important role for the property sector in supporting businesses in sectors such as manufacturing and industrial to reduce emissions, which are being targeted through a new $95 million Technology Co-Investment Fund as was recommended by the King Review.

“Improving energy efficiency in our built environment will be vital to reducing emissions while supporting jobs and the economy, and the Federal Government should continue to explore every opportunity to stimulate new investment and innovative approaches towards this important goal,” Mr Morrison said.

Media contact: Matt Francis | M 0467 777 220 | [email protected]