Bring On Design Newcastle MK II

Home Media Releases Bring On Design Newcastle MK II

Bring On Design Newcastle MK IIThe Newcastle Renewal Taskforce has applauded UrbanGrowth NSW’s final report into the first phase of Design Newcastle, saying it proved the benefit of deep community engagement. Taskforce Chair, Ed Crawford, described Design Newcastle as the most authentic and comprehensive community consultation process he had experienced. “One of Pru Goward’s first acts as Minister for Planning was to establish Design Newcastle.” “This Minister wants to get as much community input as possible on the vision and initiatives contained within the NSW Government’s $460 million urban renewal strategy” “It was a fair dinkum process that involved over 9 stakeholders including individuals, community groups and local council representatives.” “The combination of workshops, focus groups, all-day summits and surveys showed there was overwhelming support for opening the city back up to its waterfront, attracting employers and connecting it all with a new light rail system.” “And there was some fantastic ideas put forward by the community like creating a hub to showcase regional produce and the adaptive reuse of Newcastle’s heritage buildings.” “The fact that Minister Goward has already taken those suggestions on board and released concept plans for Heritage Markets at Newcastle Railway Station proves the Government is listening.” Mr Crawford said the Taskforce welcomed Minister Goward’s commitment to further community consultation on the delivery of a world-class light rail system and detailed concepts for the urban transformation program. “Another round of Design Newcastle would be the perfect way to maintain a dialogue with the local community and get their feedback on how to best use the spaces freed up by truncation of the heavy rail line” “The Newcastle Renewal Taskforce will be an active participant in that process and bring forward more of the big, positive ideas for which they’ve become known.” Mr Crawford said the Taskforce was preparing a research brief on future uses of the heavy rail corridor and would host another CBD Leaders Summit in preparation for the next phase of Design Newcastle. MEDIA ENQUIRIES: ANDREW FLETCHER, NSW REGIONAL DIRECTOR- HUNTER, 0407 410 017