The Property Council has today welcomed the Treasurer’s statement urging workers to return to the office to support struggling CBD businesses.
Queensland Property Council Executive Director, Jen Williams said that it was exactly the vote of confidence that city centre businesses needed to bounce back following a challenging start to the year.
“The Government’s announcement today comes at the perfect time for businesses who have had a delayed start to the year due to the Omicron,” Ms Williams said.
“While the rest of the State and the economy is booming our city centres have unfortunately continued to suffer from low levels of foot traffic due to difficult but necessary social distancing restrictions,” she said.
“Now with case numbers beginning to flatten out it is time for people to return to the office and maybe catch up on all the things that they haven’t been able to enjoy over the last two months such as seeing colleagues for a coffee, going shopping, or meeting friends after work for a drink and meal.”
“While flexible working is of course here to stay office workers are the backbone of CBD economies and if they don’t come into the city then thousands of CBD businesses will continue to struggle.
“Office managers have reported staggeringly low occupancy levels throughout the beginning of 2022 following two years of already subdued activity.
“This is why the Property Council is seeking the support of both local and state government to launch an array of CBD activation initiatives in a similar mould to our Fridays in the City campaign which delivered a 12.5 per cent increase in foot traffic on Queen Street Mall last year.
“The Government’s announcement today shows that it is full steam ahead for the return to work and the Property Council looks forward to unveiling all the offers, incentives, and activities that office managers will be providing to welcome workers back into the city.
Media contact: Jen Williams | 0448 432 936 | [email protected]