Australia to drastically age over next decade but without gold-plated housing, healthcare systems to respond

Home Media Releases Australia to drastically age over next decade but without gold-plated housing, healthcare systems to respond

Friday 20 December 2024


Australia to drastically age over next decade but without gold-plated housing, healthcare systems to respond

The number of Australians aged 75 or over will soar in the next decade – by a whopping 49 per cent or an extra one million people – while life expectancy is set to rise as well, the new Centre for Population’s 2024 Population Statement has revealed.

The data – released by Treasurer Jim Chalmers today – illustrates an alarming snapshot of the country’s future where more older Australians will rely on health and aged care services which are already under significant strain.

The 2024 Population Statement shows there are more than 2.1 million people aged 75 and over in Australia today, with that number projected to surpass 3.2 million by 2034.

Over the same timeframe, life expectancy is tipped to increase by 3.7 years for males and females combined.

The average lifespan of a male will increase from 81.5 to 83.8, while females are expected to live longer, reaching 87.1, up from 85.4.

2024 Population Statement – over 75 population

FY24 FY35 % change
NSW 698,100  998,200 43.0%
VIC 541,400  805,400 48.8%
QLD 433,700  676,700 56.0%
SA 179,500  258,300 43.9%
WA 215,300  338,100 57.0%
TAS 56,900  86,900 52.7%
NT 8,400  15,000 78.6%
ACT 30,800  46,900 52.3%

These latest population projections come less than 48 hours after the Commonwealth committed more than $5 million to initiate a pilot program for the Retirement Living Council’s ‘Shared Care’ framework – a blueprint for delivering more home care more efficiently.

The Retirement Living Council’s ‘Shared Care’ pilot program will demonstrate that retirement villages can help alleviate pressure on the health system while allowing older Australians to receive care in the communities they love.

Executive Director of the Retirement Living Council, Daniel Gannon, said Australians are living longer, but the appropriate health, housing and aged care initiatives aren’t in place to cope with the incoming silver tsunami.

“Age-friendly housing supply, gold-plated health systems and innovative home care solutions have never been more crucial for our country,” Mr Gannon said.

“Data doesn’t lie. These projections show the number of Australians aged 75 and over will increase drastically over the next decade, leading to housing and healthcare challenges for consumers and governments alike.

“Governments need to prioritise innovation to address this silver tsunami, which means embracing privately funded retirement villages to help accommodate and care for older Australians.

“We have a triple threat on our hands in Australia when we combine a rapidly ageing population, chronic housing supply deficit, and struggling healthcare systems.

“Governments need to think outside the box and investigate every lever – like retirement villages –that can alleviate system pressures.

“We know retirement villages are saving the Commonwealth Government almost $950 million every year because people residing in these communities live happier and healthier lives for longer, prolonging the need for aged care.”

Media contact: Ben Harvy | 0430 306 424 | [email protected]