Aussie Seniors Forced to Move Suburbs Amid Housing Shortage

Home Media Releases Aussie Seniors Forced to Move Suburbs Amid Housing Shortage

Aussie Seniors Forced to Move Suburbs amid Housing Shortage

The Property Council is calling on the State government to simplify the Retirement Villages Act to tackle the housing shortage facing seniors across WA.

Often seniors are forced to take up retirement housing options that may not be available in the suburbs they know and love.

Seniors generally want to live close to family and friends but in WA there is a severe shortage of suitable land to develop senior’s housing in established suburbs.

“The retirement living sector has responded to the challenge by shifting towards vertical villages that offer all of the same amenities as traditional retirement villages, but take up a fraction of the land and can be developed within Perth’s inner established suburbs,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

 “The State government needs to review its policiess to enable the retirement villages sector to innovate to keep up with growing demand,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

The Property Council would like to see a review of regulations applying to land titles for retirement villages, to enable vertical mixed use development and co-location of aged care facilities.

“The government also needs get a move on with strata reform to enable community title which will facilitate getting vertical villages, off the ground.”

“Vertical villages are an excellent way of dealing with the challenge of limited availability of land and creating greater choice for seniors.

“These modern and specially designed apartment buildings are able to cater to the needs of aging residents with custom facilities and advanced technologies while keeping them close to family and friends.”