Aerotropolis progress welcomed

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Aerotropolis progress welcomed

The delivery of new investment and development around the new Nancy Bird Walton Airport is a step closer with the release of further plans for land use surrounding the airport.

The plans, a draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan, a new State Environmental Planning Policy and draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 1, provide greater direction and certainty for both industry and the community and guides growth across the region.

Property Council NSW Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald said today that the industry is ready to develop and deliver on the job and housing targets for the area and ensure good long-term outcomes.

“There is an inherent inequity on the number of jobs provided across Sydney and a greater number of jobs need to be provided in our western city – developing the land around the aerotropolis into a productive precinct will be critical in achieving this goal,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

“There is growing demand for more employment floorspace to support population growth, consumption and structural trends such as Ecommerce and large tenants are looking for sites across Western Sydney.

“This immediate investment will be complemented by long term plans for education, advanced manufacturing, defence and research facilities – all critical to the long-term success of the precinct and jobs for the people of Western Sydney.

“The productivity and growth of the region will rely on the right mix of land uses, delivery of major infrastructure and investing in the people of western Sydney through education and training opportunities.

“This announcement, matched with the release of land in the Mamre Road precinct recently, shows momentum is building in the precinct and the prompt rezoning of land will be important to keep this momentum.”

Contact: William Power – 0429 210 982