Aerotropolis critical to western Sydney’s growth
The announcement by Premier Berejiklian overnight that there will be an Aerotropolis 2026 Summit next year is good news for getting the best out of the investment in and around the new airport.
The aerotropolis offers the opportunity to encourage new industries and new jobs to western Sydney as well as tech, finance and educational institutions and by bringing experts into the same room at the same time it means we can set a course for success.
“The airport and aerotropolis offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest heavily in our outer west. With our population in our west and south west expected to grow by 734,000 by 2036, investment that brings jobs is critical,” Property Council NSW Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald said today.
“To encourage this growth, an economic zone around the airport to incentivise investment should be considered as a way of encouraging investment in the short to medium term. Cities around the world have used similar approaches to encourage new investment in developing areas.
“Further key infrastructure is also critical to support the Western Sydney Priority Growth Area and promote investment and no doubt the multiple plans and strategies due to be released in the second half of this year will address this fact.
“The Western Sydney City Deal in particular provides the opportunity to ensure growth around the airport precinct is sustainable and matched with dedicated funding from all levels of government.”