ACT Girls in Property visiting UC to raise awareness of career paths in property industry

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ACT Girls in Property visiting UC to raise awareness of career paths in property industry

The Property Council of Australia’s 2019 Girls In Property program is heading to the University of Canberra (UC) this Tuesday, 3 September 2019, with the goal of showing high school girls the pathways to working in the Territory’s property sector.

The program allows high school students to learn about various career opportunities, hear from property experts and make valuable connections with property industry professionals.

Eighty female students from Kingsford Smith School, Lyneham High School, Melba Copland Secondary School and University of Canberra High School Kaleen are taking part in the program, which hopes to cultivate the next generation of female property leaders.

“With the property industry being Australia’s biggest employer, taking action to engage with tomorrow’s professionals today is an important initiative for the Property Council of Australia and the Girls in Property program supporters.

“The program will give the students an opportunity to hear first-hand from and connect with, inspirational and talented professionals in the property industry, including some of the best and brightest women working in the ACT property sector,” says the Property Council’s ACT Executive Director, Adina Cirson.

“The Girls in Property program provides a really great opportunity for our high school girls to learn more about the ACT property sector and about the types of jobs that they could do when they leave school, while being inspired by a group of strong female leaders from across the ACT”, Ms Cirson said.

The program will give students the opportunity to get onto a real construction site at UC and see how projects are delivered from concept to construction.

Senior Design Manager at the University of Canberra, Zoe Lewis, said ‘Our Space’ is a new space for professional staff at the University of Canberra, currently under construction.

“When complete, the fit-out will provide space for around 160 staff by adopting best practice office design, supporting a new, creative and collaborative way of working whilst reuniting University staff who are currently spread across multiple buildings,” said Ms Lewis.

Property Council of Australia’s Chief Executive Officer Ken Morrison says highlighting strong support for emerging female professionals is pivotal to achieving gender diversity in the property industry.

‘There are a thousand different jobs you can do in the property industry, often people say it’s a career they’ve fallen into – we want to make property a career of choice. It’s exciting, it’s dynamic, meaningful – you’re involved in creating communities for future generations.

‘What our Girls in Property program aims to do is raise awareness among high school students of the raft of career paths the property industry offers, Mr Morrison concluded.

The Girls In Property program aims to assist more young women to choose a career in property, by showing them the full range of options that are available to them and how rewarding working in the industry can be.

Contact the Property Council or University of Canberra media team:
Adina Cirson, Executive Director
0429 579 972
Katarina Slavich, Media Officer
0408 826 362 or [email protected]
Andy Visser, Senior Communications Manager
0414 260 417 or [email protected]