ABCC legislation will provide productivity boostThe reconstitution of the Australian Building and Construction Commission is a vital economic reform that is needed to boost productivity in the construction sector says Australia’s property industry. “The passage of the Australian Building and Construction Bill by the Parliament will provide an immediate productivity boost to one of Australia’s most vital sectors”, says Ken Morrison, Chief Executive of the Property Council. “The last time Australia had an ABCC, our members experienced construction-related productivity gains of 15-20 per cent. As well, industrial threats and disputes fell dramatically. “The CEOs of Australia’s largest construction companies are telling us that the return of the ABCC will bring a material boost to productivity and do so very quickly. “The construction sector is vital to our economy. However, two thirds of all industrial disputes occur in the construction sector. Disputes are up to the highest levels in six years.” Mr Morrison said the return of the construction watchdog is vital to stamp out corruption and bullying across the sector. “The report of the Royal Commission into Trade Unions put the case for reform of the sector. The Commission found that misappropriation, secret payments, reprisals, bullying, under the table union payments, slush funds, false invoices and secrecy throughout the construction sector. “There should be no place for illegal behaviour and bullying in the modern construction sector.” Mr Morrison said the ABCC bills as well as the Registered Organisations bills are important for the Australian economy. “These are ‘fair dinkum’ economic reforms that will lead to higher productivity, more jobs and provide greater certainty in one of Australia’s largest industries. They should be passed.”
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