The Property Council of Australia has called on state and territory governments to consider housing and display home inspections as they look at easing social distancing restrictions.
Property Council chief executive Ken Morrison welcomed the decision by the Western Australian government to dial back its restrictions on open homes and display villages as a sensible step in supporting the housing industry.
“Housing construction is a big driver of economic activity and job creation, and moves by WA to ease restrictions in line with their improved public health outcomes is a step in the right direction.
“Public health must remain the top priority, and where it is feasible and safe to do so in line with government guidance, this is a useful next step for governments to support jobs and activity in the housing sector.
“Our members have already put in place a number of proactive and innovative measures to keep display villages open, on an appointment basis, during this very difficult period.
“As governments look at ways to re-open the economy as we continue to suppress the spread of COVID-19, they should ensure that open homes and display villages are an early part of this plan,” Mr Morrison said.
Media contact: Matt Francis | M 0467 777 220 | E [email protected]