Tuesday, 1 August 2023
2023 Girls In Property: Lighting up pathways to a future in property
Championing an inclusive and diverse property sector has a myriad of benefits and was the key theme conveyed to students participating in the 2023 Queensland Girls In Property program, held at Australian Retirement Trust on Wednesday, 26 July.
The program’s goal is to inspire more young women to consider and choose a career in the property industry, helping to create a sustainable pipeline of talent for the sector.
Over 70 high school students from Kelvin Grove State College, Wavell State High School, MacGregor State High School, and The Gap State High School participated in a day-long career workshop of exciting activities, exclusive development tours and presentations from leading property industry professionals.
“Our students were thrilled by the interactive nature of the program, and the exciting career opportunities available to them through the property industry. Being able to engage with leaders of the industry was an inspiring and thought-provoking experience for the students,” Jasmine Donnelly, Deputy Principal of Wavell State High School said.
“By being able to access behind the scenes of some of the biggest development projects in Brisbane and to experience the scale and size of these city shaping projects today, this will have a lasting impact on our students,” Taighan Percy, Head of Department – Senior Schooling of Wavell State High School said.
“We are grateful that the students have had this opportunity made available to them, programs like this really encourage the students to think about alternative career pathways, and it is credit to the industry for investing so much time to ensure its success,” Patrick Petrie, Year 10 Coordinator MacGregor State High said.
Queensland Deputy Executive Director of the Property Council Jess Caire was delighted with the day’s outcome, noting that with the unrelenting demand across all facets of the sector in Queensland, a focus on increasing the participation of students in the property industry is critical to the state realising the opportunities ahead.
“The property industry is broad, the career opportunities are boundless, and seeing the students realise this throughout the day as they participate in the program is so exciting. These students are the future and will play a role in shaping the Queensland of tomorrow – and to think some of them will choose a future in property because of programs like Girls In Property is inspiring,” Ms Caire said.
“Watching the students engage with industry leaders and understand the opportunities available to them is incredibly rewarding for our members who volunteer to run the program, to be honest, I think we all learn as much from them as they do from us.” Ms Caire said.
Property professionals from all aspects of the industry volunteered to support the program including Kristan Conlon, Partner at McCullough Robertson and emcee of the program, who noted the importance of the day.
“Initiatives such as these provide a tangible experience for female students to see firsthand the broad array of career opportunities that the property sector offers. We know that a diverse and inclusive property industry benefits everyone, and increasing the participation of females in the sector is critical in achieving this,” Ms Conlon said.
“For the past three years, I have had the privilege of participating in Girls In Property. It fills me with immense inspiration and excitement to see the level of enthusiasm and curiosity from the students which demonstrates the incredible impact we can make in shaping their future.
“It is programs like Girls In Property that empower young women to embrace the opportunities within the property industry, fostering a new generation of trailblazers who will make a remarkable difference.“
Hosted at Australian Retirement Trust George Street office, the students participated in activities including virtual reality, sustainable design, overseeing the establishment of a construction site and planning an experiential commercial office marketing campaign.
This is the fourth year the Girls In Property program has taken place in Queensland, and this year’s program was delivered in support of the Property Council’s Event Partner the Queensland Government, Program Sponsor Charter Hall, Host Sponsor Australian Retirement Trust, Site Tour Partner Hutchinson Builders and Prize Sponsor Destination Brisbane Consortium.
“Charter Hall has supported the Girls In Property program in Queensland and Victoria since 2022 and each year we continue to be impressed at the drive and ambition that the students show. It was a pleasure to be a sponsor of the event again this year and contribute to what we hope is a growing pipeline of female talent entering the property industry in the years to come,” Robert Bryce, Regional Portfolio Manager, QLD Office, Charter Hall said.
Originally launched in New South Wales in 2017, the hugely successful Girls In Property program was extended as a Property Council national program in 2018. With the support of sponsors and volunteers this exciting program continues to grow its footprint in Queensland.
Media contact: Jess Caire | 0499 181 366 | [email protected]