Home Property Australia WA transport vision welcome step towards bigger infrastructure plan

WA transport vision welcome step towards bigger infrastructure plan

  • September 13, 2017

The WA Government’s draft new transport plan for Perth is a welcome first step in creating an infrastructure plan that is linked up to other plans for Perth’s growth.

“The property sector is crying out for infrastructure planning that is linked up to Perth’s planning for new housing and employment, and Transport @ 3.5 million is a welcome step in that direction”, Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.

“Key features in the new transport plan that are supported by the property sector, include: the focus on connecting activity centres in suburban Perth; and tunneling as a cost effective method to create improved transport connections and promote infill development, while decreasing traffic congestion in urban areas,” he said.  

“However, the timing of projects in the plan hinges on when the population will reach certain milestones but the industry would like more certainty to support investment decisions.

“Funding is a major issue affecting the feasibility of the projects outlined in the State Government’s transport plan.  The final transport plan should include an opportunity for tolls to fund road infrastructure. 

“With no new commitments for transport projects, and each proposed project to be determined by future business cases, it is essential that industry is properly consulted throughout the project assessment process.

“The use of value capture to fund potential transport projects is a concern for the property industry, particularly if it is applied before the infrastructure is in operation

“Taxing property value uplift should be looked at cautiously by the State Government as the industry has already been dealt severe land tax increases in recent years.

“Government also needs to link up to effectively deliver its transport objectives by combining its key infrastructure agencies like planning and transport”, said Mr Iacomella.


Media contact:  Lino Iacomella  |  T   08 9426 1223   |   E  [email protected]