The new Turnbull Ministry announced today is well positioned to deal with urban infrastructure and cities, and sustainability in the built environment, but responsibility for housing affordability remains a question mark according to the Property Council of Australia.
“We welcome Minister Paul Fletcher’s new focus on urban infrastructure which fits well alongside the Prime Minister’s cities agenda led by Assistant Minister, Angus Taylor,” said Ken Morrison, Chief Executive of the Property Council of Australia.
“The bulk of Australia’s population growth will occur in our national cities and this is a key challenge for our national government.
“The new cabinet also presents a continuation of the previous economic team and we recognise this consistency and experience. It means that the Prime Minister can, to use his words today, “hit the ground doing”.
“The decision to bring together environment and energy has many advantages particularly for policy decisions relating to the built environment. Twenty three per cent of Australia’s emissions are from the built environment and this is where energy efficiency is a key focus.
“However, a senior minister needs to be given carriage of finding solutions for housing affordability. Neither the Government nor the Opposition is yet to demonstrate that it has a housing affordability policy or answers to the continued pressures in this area.”
Media contact: Paul Ritchie | E [email protected]