Tasmanians require a variety of housing options at different points in their lives.
We need to add to the attraction of Tasmania as a place to move; to raise a family, find a job and build an affordable home.
If we truly believe in fairness and equity then we must cater for societal change and take advantage of house prices in our state which still provide people with an opportunity to enter the property market.
Sub-Divisions deliver density which provides home-owners with access to many essential services.
It must be remembered that one of the most dense residential suburbs in Tasmania remains Battery Point which has unquestionable character.
The Tasmanian Planning Scheme standardises new block sizes across the State for single and multiple dwellings, providing a level of consistency which will be attractive to investors. No longer should they have to play by a different set of rules should they wish to develop sites across multiple council municipalities.
The State Government should increase the First Home Builders Grant to $30,000 in the 2017/18 budget, driving investment, providing opportunities and creating jobs as a result,” he said.
A residential dwelling approved within 24 hours is an excellent initiative, which when coupled with the First Home Builders Grant of $20,000, and preferably $30,000 will make Tasmania an outstanding place to invest.