In December 2015, NSW Premier Mike Baird said the revitalization of Newcastle city centre had been dogged by “conspiracy theories” that he wanted to put to rest, “once and for all”.
“There is a conspiracy”, said Premier Baird, “And it’s this – I want Newcastle to be the best regional city in the Asia-Pacific.”
Hunter Chair, Ed Crawford, said “the Premier’s conspiracy is continuing at full pace”
“Mike Baird said his Government would listen to the people of the Hunter and this planning proposal for transforming the old heavy rail corridor between Newcastle Railway Station and Worth Place shows their ideas have been taken on board”
Mr. Crawford said it was also very pleasing that several design features recommended by the Transforming Newcastle Taskforce had been adopted. He said their work had been led by world’s best practice and provided urban solutions which were ambitious, aspirational and innovative.
“The truth is that for decades, that rail corridor has been under-utilised, leaking value and scaring away investors.”
“That’s why the Taskforce came up with a series of “City Game Changers” to stimulate demand, create world-class public spaces, and provide new connections for pedestrians and cyclists”.
“The Government’s proposal’s to create Civic Lane, Civic Gardens, the Community Lawn and Darby Plaza are all direct reflections of those game-changers”
Anticipating a fresh round of community engagement on the planning proposal and delivery of light rail infrastructure, Mr Crawford said the Taskforce had been allocated fresh resources from July 1 to undertake its next phase of work.
“Industry will continue to support the Premier’s vision, but we’ll also continue making well researched submissions to ensure maximum opportunity for Newcastle”.
“Strong support from Newcastle City Council will be another critical success factor”.
“Achieving the city vision will depend on the Lord Mayor, her fellow Councillors and the entire organisation partnering with UrbanGrowth NSW to see the planning proposal become reality.”
Media contacts:
Edward Crawford- Hunter Chair | M 0431 365 780 | E [email protected]
Jane Fitzgerald – NSW Executive Director | M 0419 257 835 | E [email protected]