Home Property Australia Tasmanian Division welcomes good news in federal budget

Tasmanian Division welcomes good news in federal budget

  • September 19, 2017

The Property Council has welcomed the good news in the Budget for Tasmanian businesses and families.  This coming financial year, the Budget will deliver $3.6 billion to Tasmania including $1.2 billion in specific purpose payments.

“The key to strengthening our productive capability is a greater investment in economic infrastructure – so the commitment of  $96.5 million for the Midland Highland Project is welcome. 

“In the short term, infrastructure funding supports jobs and in the long term, it attracts jobs. 

“As well, the Launceston City Deal kicks off with the Commonwealth jointly funding a $260 million investment in the relocation of the University of Tasmania’s Launceston campus.  We are big supporters of City Deals because they represent a real, long-term partnership between local, state and national governments.

The Tasmanian Division also acknowledged the importance of budget measures which address housing affordability.

“We have to learn the lessons of other cities which is that new housing supply is essential if housing is to stay affordable.

“The Budget has measures to increase supply, bridge the deposit gap and maintain a watch on rental growth and they are all welcome.

“The timely finalisation of the Local Provision Schedules component of the the Tasmanian Planning Scheme would also assist housing affordability by reducing regulatory burdens,” Mr Wightman said.

The Property Council looked forward to working with all three levels of Government following the signing of the Launceston City Deal.

“Housing supply and affordability can also be tackled through city deals.

“Incentivisation for in-fill developments and CBD revitalisation projects should be considered to increase supply and bring residents closer to services,” he said.

Mr Wightman said that the Tasmanian Division looked forward to further discussions with the State and Federal Governments regarding the capital expenditure required to fix the provision of water and sewerage in Tasmania.